Exploitation Double Feature: Friday the 13th edition with Wizard of Gore and Deep Red

Friday July 13th at 9:00pm


Tickets $7

Deep Red (profondo rosso)
Dario Argento’s masterpiece presented in a restored and uncut version. 

From Dario Argento, maestro of the macabre and the man behind some of the greatest excursions in Italian horror (Suspiria, The Bird with the Crystal Plumage), comes Deep Red the ultimate giallo movie.

One night, musician Marcus Daly (David Hemmings, Blow Up), looking up from the street below, witnesses the brutal axe murder of a woman in her apartment. Racing to the scene, Marcus just manages to miss the perpetrator… or does he? As he takes on the role of amateur sleuth, Marcus finds himself ensnared in a bizarre web of murder and mystery where nothing is what it seems…

Aided by a throbbing score from regular Argento collaborators Goblin, Deep Red (aka Profondo Rosso and The Hatchet Murders) is a hallucinatory fever dream of a giallo punctuated by some of the most astonishing set-pieces the sub-genre has to offer.


Wizard of Gore
In a restored cut of this masterpiece of horror!
A magician performs a show where he selects a female volunteer and appears to put swords, drills, and such through them. They walk away and everyone applauds, then they show up somewhere else, dead of the same injuries they sustained in the magic show. Police are baffled and can’t tie the murders to the magician. A man whose girlfriend is infatuated with the show begins to investigate on his own.